Unarvu – A Project for children
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“Koottu '' Environment Club For Children Inauguration Ceremony
Environmental education is a process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions. KOOTTU is an environmental club for children and it is intended to raise awareness of environmental protection and personality development for them.
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Inaugural ceremony for the environment club was held on 09/07/2022 Saturday. The programme started at 10 am, above 80 children registered for the programme. Inaugural ceremony started at 10:30 am with Prayer by Master Aldrin Abraham. The Presidential address was delivered by Sr.Divya Mundackal SD, Secretary ASDSS. Banusuri TK, Community Social Worker welcomed all the dignities present on the dial and members of KOOTTU. Programme inaugurated by Dr. Thomas Varghese Panakkalam, Dean of arts BMC Thrikkakara..He mentioned about the importance of environment protection in his speech .The programme was followed by enlightening the children with the purpose and importance of environment protection Adv. Thomas Antony ,Secretary of OISCA International Aluva Chapter and Sr.Reenu ,coordinator of KOOTTU delivered their felicitation for the programme. Neenu Elizebath M Varky, project coordinator, delivered a vote of Thanks. After the inaugural function, Dr. Thomas Varghese spent his time with children. He conducts activities like group activities and NADANPATTU to raise the awareness among children. Members enjoyed it well and gave a good response to the programme.
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.nn– OLIVER SANDERO
Mango Showers 2k22- Summer Camp and Programme
On Account of Summer Vacation, ASDSS initiated a Summer Programme ‘Mango showers’ from April 25 to May 8th 2022. The summer program includes summer Camp, painting session and flower making session. The announcement regarding the programme and its registration went one-week prior notice and flux was fixed places to make aware.
The lead was taken by Brother Alvin and Brother Arun who divided the children into groups and the ice breaking sessions. Children were divided into four groups namely Mango Shakes, Real Fighters, St.Bertila and Sunshine with their own theme music the inaugural function started at 11 am flag hosting was done by Shri Lalji, Additional SP-Aluva. After the hosting Shri. Anwar Sadath, honorable MLA of Aluva, joined for the inaugural ceremony. After that lamp lighting was done by honorable MLA The Presidential address was done Rev. Sr. Divya Muundackal SD, after that, Inaugural ceremony by presenting the theme of the day which involved the theme presentation of 5 elements which was used on each day seed, water, sun, soil, all which contribute for growth The Inaugural function’s message was given by Shri Lalji and also the day’s program was by children who participated. The next 3 days were full of motivational classes and games which made the children very enthusiastic. Throughout the last closing ceremony, the MC was done by Ann Jessin group sunshine and varieties of programs done on the day. We had our chief guest who was very happy for the Children who grabbed the opportunities Prizes were distributed on the final day while Master Albin was nominated as the ‘Best motivator of the Camp’. On the fifth day of camp there was a tour to Viripara in which 35 children participated Also watched the movie ‘Makal’ in the theater. Overall the Summer Camp was a very cherishing experience.
Painting Session 2,3 May
The training session for painting started at ASDSS on, 2nd May, at 9.30am, as Sr. Divya Mundackal SD Secretary Suhruth Sadan welcomed Mr. Lijesh George, differently abled artist, who taught the 19 Children for 3 days’ workshop.
Everyday their best drawings were presented and things were given individual attention so as to improve their painting. All the participants participated very enthusiastically and developed their skill. On 5th May the programme came to an end. Master Albin gave the thanks to teacher for guidance and encouragement throughout the workshop
Flower Making
The Workshop for flower making started on 6th May. Sr.Divya Mundackal SD, Secretary, ASDSS welcomed the trainer Mrs. Sheena Thomas who is very creative and interested in doing crafts. About students were present for the same and they took part enthusiastically. About 8 varieties of flowers from crepe paper and organdy cloth were taught which would the students learned very patiently.
Koottu Environment Club –Public Speaking Tips
The second session for the KOOTTU volunteers was held on 6th August Saturday at 10 am. The total attendance of the participants was 58. The topic of the day was public speaking skills. The session started at 10 am sharp with a prayer song by Miss Aneeta Saji, KOOTTU volunteers. After ice breaking sessions children were given skills on various things that need to be considered while coming up on stage. Every member was divided into four groups for which the group members gave different names. After grouping Miss. Bansuri TK took the session on things to consider while delivering a speech; randomly volunteers were selected and topics to speak on stage.
The whole session was very energetic and engaging. Master Anuroop Jose Anurag gave the vote of thanks and conducted the session at 12:30 pm. The whole session was coordinated by Sr.Divya Mundackal SD Secretary ASDSS, Sr.Ancy Maniamkot SD Programme officer,Bansuri TK Community Social Worker and Neenu Elizabeth M Varky Project coordinator ASDSS and the social work trainees from BMCCA Choondy.
Aaravam - Onam Celebration
Association for social development suhruth Sadan organized Onam celebration including the beneficiaries of the organization. The program was inaugurated by cine artist Muktha and her daughter Kanmani. Sr. Divya Mundackal SD Secretary ASDSS delivered a welcome speech, St. Mary’s Provincial Superior Mother Raicy, Smt. Sathi lalu president of Keezhmad panchayat, Mr. Abdul Kadhar delivered Felicitation to the program. Different types of cultural programs were arranged for the program by beneficiaries. The program coordinators arranged games and activities related to Onam. A group song was sung by the ESHG beneficiaries. Cine artist Muktha along with her daughter Kanmani sang an Onam song for the audience. The program concluded with a delightful Onam Sadhya. Sr. Ancy SD Program officer delivered a Vote of Thanks.
Children's Day Celebration & Inauguration Of Kudukka Savings Plan
India celebrates Children’s Day on November 14 to commemorate the birth anniversary of the first prime minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Association for social development suhruth sadan arranged a program with KOOTTU environment childrens. Adwaitha who is the beneficiary of let them smile project is chief guest of the program. They are the beacon of innocence. They have the right to play and laugh with normal children.
Childrens day quiz, cultural programs & discussion on drug abuse were also done. Games in groups were done to enhance their teamwork and leadership qualities. ASDSS secretary Sr.Divya Mundackal SD inaugurated a monthly savings plan “ KUDUKKA” . It aims to boost saving habits of children.The KOOTTU members can deposit their money in their own Kudukka. Around 30 members were participated in the program. The program concluded with prize distribution for games & competition.
Awareness Class on Drug Abuse and Overuse of Mobile Phones
Association for social development suhruth Sadan and childrens village jointly organized an awareness class on the topic drug abuse among children and overuse of smartphones. The session was attended by childrens of suhruth sadan’s KOOTTU environment club and SOS children’s village. Beat officers of edathala janamaithri police station Mr.Bineesh and Mr. Abdul Jamal handled the one hour session. SOS senior counselor Joshy Mathew and ASDSS program officer Sr. Ancy also spoke. Around 50 childrens participated in the program. The program concluded with refreshments.
Session on Exam Preparation: Tips and Stress Management
On 11th February 2023, the social work trainees of De Paul Institute of Science and Technology, Angamaly in collaboration with De Paul Extension Services(DES) and Vincentian Service Society(VSS) have conducted an interactive session on Exam Preparation; Tips and Stress Management to 30 students of different classes at Association for Social Development Suhurthsadan, Aluva. The programme started at 10:00AM with a welcome speech by Community Social worker Suhurthsadan Miss Bansuri. Then the social work trainees conducted ice breaking sessions and different games for the students. The students were mainly from Koottu, an environmental club for children. A session on Exam Preparation Tips was taken by Fr. John Kollakottil VC, program coordinator of DES. The session on Stress Management; Tips was taken by Miss Jemi Praveena, program coordinator of VSS.The vote of thanks was delivered by social work trainee Parvathy Ravikumar.